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How to treat heel pain?
Health and Fitness

How to treat heel pain?

H eel pain is actually one of the most common foot problems. The affected individual would feel severe pain under the heel , which is termed as plantar fasciitis. There is another possible case where the pain is caused just behind the heel , which is termed as Achilles tendinitis .
Heel pain – Its causes and symptoms
Health and Fitness

Heel pain – Its causes and symptoms

Heel pain is one of the common foot problems that can be found in many adults across the country. They usually experience pain under the heel (The medical term of which is plantar fasciitis). It is located just beneath the Achilles tendon that connect to the heel bone. Although rarely a health threat, heel pain can be severe and may persist and become chronic.
Home remedies for relieving neck pain
Health and Fitness

Home remedies for relieving neck pain

Neck pain is very common and can be caused due to bad posture or bad sleeping position or a fall. As long as the pain is not accompanied by other symptoms, it is fine. Any pain that lasts longer than a week is a point of concern because it suggests that there is some serious problem that needs immediate medical attention.
Top yoga poses that can give you relief from sciatica pain
Health and Fitness

Top yoga poses that can give you relief from sciatica pain

Sciatica nerves can be intolerably painful at times. The pain can be so debilitating that you won’t even have the energy left to get up from the couch. Various factors can contribute to sciatica pain, including a ruptured disk, injury, and narrowing of the spinal canal. The best way to get sciatica pain relief is to stretch the body and rotate the hip region externally.
Overview of sciatic nerve pain and ways to get relief from it
Health and Fitness

Overview of sciatic nerve pain and ways to get relief from it

Incessant nerve pains affect a large percentage of people with diabetes and other health conditions and it is difficult to live with it. Read on to get an idea about nerve pain and how you can get effective nerve pain relief. What are sciatic nerve pains? As you know, our nerve is responsible for carrying the impulses of sensation from the spinal cord or brain and to other body parts.
Causes of rib pain
Health and Fitness

Causes of rib pain

The rib cage helps protect your heart and lungs which are amongst the most vital organs in your body. It is made up of 24 individual bone structures, 12 on each side forming a cage attached to a long flat bone called the sternum. Cartilages connect the individual ribs to the sternum forming a tough barrier in the chest.
Home remedies for treating rib pain
Health and Fitness

Home remedies for treating rib pain

There are a number of causes when it comes to rib pain, which affect the individual bones or the cartilage that joins the bones to the sternum. There are treatments to provide relief from severe discomforts like bruising or fractures. However for mild discomforts and rib pain, these home remedies will work well.
Here’s how you can manage knee pain
Health and Fitness

Here’s how you can manage knee pain

The knee is one of the most critical and most often abused joints in the human body. This, considering the fact that it is the second highest weight bearing joint after the hip joint and has the largest range and degree of movement. It is not surprising that knee pain is the most common complaint that takes one to the doctor.
4 exercises to keep joint pain at bay
Health and Fitness

4 exercises to keep joint pain at bay

Those who suffer from frequent joint pain and stiffness, regular joint exercises can give relief and also prevent joint pain from occurring again. Doing joint exercises can also prevent symptoms of arthritis, gout, and other illnesses associated with joints and muscles. Joint exercises ensure that there is sufficient movement of the joints; this improves the range of motion of the joints and lowers the risk of pain and stiffness.
Immediate pain relief measures for gout
Health and Fitness

Immediate pain relief measures for gout

A type of arthritis, gout results in sudden attack thereby causing burning pain, swelling in the joints, stiffness in a joint, etc. Unless and until the person suffering from gout treats the problem, the attacks continue to happen. Over the period of time, these attacks cause severe harm to the joints, tissues, and tendons.
4 common therapies used by pain management doctors
Health and Fitness

4 common therapies used by pain management doctors

It is estimated that about 50 million Americans live with chronic pain all their lives. Living with chronic pain affects sleep, emotions, moods, work, and relationships. Although many people “learn” to live with the pain, the discomfort is not that easy is handle. Pain management doctors help in relieving and eliminating symptoms of pain.
Breast pain – Types and ways to manage it
Health and Fitness

Breast pain – Types and ways to manage it

Breast pain is the feeling of discomfort and tenderness in the breasts and the region that surrounds the breast. Symptoms of several reasons may cause this pain. Contrary to popular belief, breast pain is not always caused by or is not a sign of breast cancer. Most women experience breast pain, at least once in their lifetime.

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