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6 Ways To Travel When You Have Student Loans

6 Ways To Travel When You Have Student Loans

Several students have to pay off a huge debt as soon as they step out of college. However, if you take stock of the situation and manage your debt, it is possible to go on a vacation without breaking the bank. Read on to know some ways in which you can travel even when you have student loans to pay off.
5 Things Lenders Check In A Loan Application

5 Things Lenders Check In A Loan Application

If you are applying for a loan, there are several things you need to check to ensure you have the best possible chance of securing a loan of your choice that offers you a great annual percentage rate (APR) and minimum fees. While advancing loans, lenders want to make sure they will get their money back and as such scrutinize several details apart from your credit score.
5 Careers That Offer Student Loan Forgiveness

5 Careers That Offer Student Loan Forgiveness

As students are graduating from college, they are plunged into debt before their career has even begun. Many are questioning the need for college at all. Over 44 million Americans have student loans with an estimated debt valued at 1.44 trillion dollars. There are alternatives to this insurmountable debt, low-paying or high-risk public service jobs are great careers and also offer loan forgiveness.
3 Reasons Why Taking A Loan For Your Wedding Is Bad Idea

3 Reasons Why Taking A Loan For Your Wedding Is Bad Idea

Imagine on the wedding day, you are occupied by thoughts about the loan you need to repay that you have taken for your wedding. Your precious moments will be exchanged for haunting thoughts of huge loan payment. Your priceless moment is costing you so much and on top of it, you do not have the honeymoon plan included in your price.
3 Important Tips To Consider Before Taking Payday Loans

3 Important Tips To Consider Before Taking Payday Loans

Payday loans are short-term credit facilities that you may use in the case of emergency fund requirements. The objective is to provide liquidity in case of an unexpected need. However, before you avail one, here are some important tips to remember. Consider the use of the payday loan amount One huge drawback of payday loans is the high rate of interest.
4 Ways To Get The Best Auto Loan Deals

4 Ways To Get The Best Auto Loan Deals

Even as the sale of automobiles hit their highest in 2016, it is quite a paradox that it came at a hefty price. According to a report in 2014, the rate of auto repossessions increased by 70% and 60-day loan delinquencies shot up by 7% from the month of April that year.
5 Things To Do When Your Loan Application Is Declined

5 Things To Do When Your Loan Application Is Declined

Many times, it may happen that you apply for a loan, but the approval is declined by the lender. If the lender rejects your loan approval, it is generally because you do not meet the eligibility criteria of the lender. There are rare chances that the loan approval may be declined because of an error at the lender’s end.
Useful Tips To Get Your First Car Loan

Useful Tips To Get Your First Car Loan

Going to the bank for the approval of your first loan can be intimidating. It could also be a reality check for many individuals. To help you throughout the process, here are some tips to get your first car loan. Clear off debts To get loan approval for your first time, make sure you have cleared your debts like credit card bill payments.
Popular companies to refinance student loans

Popular companies to refinance student loans

Refinancing is essentially you applying for private loans. If you are on a student loan, there are companies out there who specialize in loans just like this. Here are some things you need to know before you opt for a private student loan refinance as you may have to give up loan protections, which may include:
Student loans options for parents with bad credit

Student loans options for parents with bad credit

One question that is always on parents’ minds when it comes to putting their child through a college  is –  where and how to get a loan approved from. It is usually pretty easy to get one from any institution which lends money; they usually have college loans for parents as a separate plan, with special parent student loan rates available.
The benefits and risks of credit card consolidation loans

The benefits and risks of credit card consolidation loans

Debt consolidation is a process in which someone obtains a brand new loan to pay out smaller loans, money owed, or payments that they’re presently making payments on. In doing this, they efficaciously bring together all the debts owed jointly into one blended mortgage with one month-to-month fee. Bringing a couple of obligations collectively and mixing them into one loan is known as “consolidating” them.
Installment loans and how to get them approved

Installment loans and how to get them approved

There are numerous types of loaning systems available. Loans can be sanctioned by banks and can be taken by some person who lends it. Coming to the point, installment loans are the kind of loans you take on fixed interest and then return it in installments. Different banks have different criteria through which they decide if they can lend you a loan.

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