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3 common natural treatments for lung cancer

3 common natural treatments for lung cancer

Lung cancer can be a difficult disease to diagnose especially given its multi-faceted nature. Often, traditional forms of treatments like chemotherapy and radiation cannot be accepted by the patient continually because of their strong side effects. Suppression of the immune system is one of the main after-effects of chemo along with the risk of a possible flare-up of the disease.
5 common types of lung cancer treatments

5 common types of lung cancer treatments

Lung cancer needs no introduction as it has been one of the most common cancers in the United States in recent times. Once detected with this condition, there should not be any delay in starting with a lung cancer treatment. Any lung cancer treatment depends on the type of lung cancer.
10 things to do when you have psoriatic arthritis

10 things to do when you have psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a severe form of arthritis, which can quickly affect people with psoriasis. It is a challenge to manage the pain and to deal with the daily discomfort of the body. But you should not allow it to pull you down. Here are a few things that you can do yourself to fight the signs of psoriatic arthritis and live your life to the fullest.
Signs that tell you might have herpes

Signs that tell you might have herpes

Herpes is a viral infection that is contagious and caused by the HSV (herpes simplex virus). Once this virus has infected you, your skin will experience sores and blisters more so around the mouth, buttocks, genitals, and nose. You may not have any herpes symptoms that you can see or feel, or the signs of herpes may be so mild you don’t even notice them.
Food guide with herpes

Food guide with herpes

You might panic when dealing with a herpes outbreak, but you will anyhow have to try different ways of treating it. And one of them is altering your diet so that your condition heals faster. To combat the herpes virus, you need effective remedies and foods to eat that can process the recovery.
How is mesothelioma diagnosed and treated

How is mesothelioma diagnosed and treated

Mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the mesothelium, a protective membrane that lines many internal organs of the body. The best way to tackle mesothelioma is to get an early diagnosis. Sudden weight loss, shortness of breath and pain are the major symptoms of mesothelioma. As it is a rare form of cancer, it is essential that the patient consult someone who specializes in mesothelioma.
What you need to know about the  types and stages of myeloma

What you need to know about the types and stages of myeloma

Myeloma is a type of cancer in which antibody-producing plasma cells grow uncontrollably. These antibodies are proteins called immunoglobulins, which protect against infections. Myelomas are characterized by an abnormal immunoglobulin called monoclonal protein, or M protein detected in the blood and urine. Good myeloma information along with timely diagnosis helps in deciding the course of treatment.
Effect of hepatits c on your body

Effect of hepatits c on your body

Hepatitis C also known as hep C is an infection which is caused by a virus that attacks the liver of the human beings and leads to the inflammation of the liver. The virus of is spread by the contact with blood that is previously contaminated. For example, it can spread from sharing needles, unsterile equipment used for tattooing, etc.
What does stage 4 Hepatitis C mean for your liver

What does stage 4 Hepatitis C mean for your liver

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that severely damages the liver over time and leads to scarring. This disease progresses in four stages and starts with mild inflammation while finally resulting in severe liver damage or cirrhosis. Once the disease reaches stage four, the liver can no longer function since it gets severely damaged.
A few common causes and symptoms of pancreatic cancer

A few common causes and symptoms of pancreatic cancer

This type of cancer spreads rapidly, thereby causing a health disaster. At first, a single tissue of the pancreas is affected, and soon the whole pancreas becomes cancerous. It can rarely be detected in the early stages, but one of the first signs of pancreatic cancer is high diabetes that occurs with weight loss and sometimes jaundice and severe abdominal pain that extends to the back.
How to deal with relapsed multiple myeloma

How to deal with relapsed multiple myeloma

Are you aware that patients with myeloma can have a relapse even after treatment? Multiple myeloma does not have any cure yet, so the chances of a relapse are hard to avoid. Relapsed myeloma is also known as recurrent myeloma. When you have relapsed multiple myeloma, the first thing you must do is consult your doctor.
4 common treatments options of relapsed multiple myeloma

4 common treatments options of relapsed multiple myeloma

Cancer is a disease that can’t be treated without proper diagnosis and medical care. Cancer cells cause enormous damage to the body, which is irreversible. Recurrent multiple myeloma is a phenomenon when cancer returns after a period of remission. Multiple myeloma doesn’t have any cure, and it is true that patients will certainly relapse at some point; this is why recurrent myeloma is also known as relapsed multiple myeloma (RMM).

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