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The Full Age Retirement Chart

A comfortable, secure, and safe retirement is probably the dream of every working individual in the country. Today, with the generation living healthier, longer lives than ever before, it is safe to assume that we will live longer than our grandparents and parents and, consequently, have longer retirement periods as well.

The Full Age Retirement Chart
Achieving one’s dream of a comfortable, secure retirement becomes easier and simpler when one plans his/her finances.

Full retirement age

There is an important term called as the full retirement age’ in the US. It is the age at which an individual becomes entitled to receive unreduced or full retirement benefits from the employer and government. There are certain rules when it comes to full retirement age (FRA):

If someone has been born after 1937, i.e. if that individual’sFRA is more than 65, that person will still be able to receive his/her entire benefits at age 62. However, the stipulation is that the benefits reduction is more for individuals born after 1938.

For instance, if someone’s FRA is 67.

If one begins his/her retirement benefits at the age of 62 years, then their monthly benefit reduces by as much as 30%. For other ages, the reduction for starting benefits at that particular age is:
6.7% when begun at age 66
13.3% when begun at age 65
20%when begun at age 64, and
25% when begun at age 63
Also, if one begins receiving the benefits of their spouses at the age of 62 years, then the reduction in monthly benefit is a whopping 67.5% of your amount that the spouse would have gotten had their benefits begun at FRA. For the spouses, the reduction percentages for beginning benefits is:
50% when begun at age 67 (maximum benefit)
54.2% when begun at age 66
58.3% when begun at age 65
62.5% when begun at age 64, and
65% when begun at age 63
Full age retirement chart

The earliest one can begin receiving benefits is at the age of 62 only.
Also, if one was born on the 1st of January, then the year to be considered is the previous year. If one were born on the 1st of any month, then then the previous month age is considered.
Also, if one delays retirement benefits and wait until after the FRA, then one may even be entitled for credits for delayed retirement. These will increase benefits per month. Also, one should sign up for Medicare at 65 years of age.

Full Social Security Benefits Receipt Ages

Year of Birth

Full Retirement Age

1960 and after

67 years


66 years, 10 months


66 years, 8 months


66 years, 6 months


66 years, 4 months


66 years, 2 months


66 years


65 years, 10 months


65 years, 8 months


65 years, 6 months


65 years, 4 months


65 years, 2 months

1937 or before

65 years

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