Home | Medical Condition | Simple Tips To Manage And Ensure Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention

Simple tips to manage and ensure deep vein thrombosis prevention

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) causes a blood clot in your legs, affecting the deep vein. A blood clot in a blood vessel, also known as thrombosis, earns the condition its name. The condition most commonly results in pain, swelling, and redness of the veins. Deep vein thrombosis can also lead to pulmonary embolism, which is a complication that can be life threatening, caused due to the blood clot.

Simple tips to manage and ensure deep vein thrombosis prevention

There are a number of risk factors associated with the condition, making it all the more important for people to understand techniques that can result in effective DVT prevention. Risk factors are divided into categories that include acquired, inherited, and a mix of both at times.

Acquired risk factors
Common risk factors for DVT include old age, complications due to surgery, certain types of cancers, lack of exercise, postpartum phase after pregnancy, and leg injury. Furthermore, side effects of oral contraceptives, and inflammatory diseases can result in DVT.

Inherited factors
Common genetic deficiencies that include the lack of antithrombin, protein C, and protein S can lead to a complication that results in DVT.

Mixed risk factors
Health complications that arise due to low free protein S, Protein C resistance, hyperhomocysteinemia, high levels of fibrinogen among others can result in deep vein thrombosis.

Common DVT prevention techniques include the following points.

Control medications
Oral contraceptives, birth control pills, and any pills that are high in estrogen levels tend to increase the chances of a deep vein clot. Medical professionals advise against the overuse of these medications to ensure an effective strategy for DVT prevention. Non-hormonal contraceptives are the perfect solution to reduce the risk of developing this condition.

Family history
Genetics will always increase the risk of developing any condition, which is why it is a good idea to find out more about your family history. This will help you identify people who have previously suffered from DVT.

Control your weight
A straightforward yet difficult task for DVT prevention includes weight loss. The circulatory systems have to work very hard to pump blood throughout the body; moreover, the additional weight will only make matters worse and putting more pressure on the pathways, obstructing normal blood flow.

Moving your arms and legs and engaging in some kind of physical activity from time to time will ensure proper muscle functioning and, more importantly, blood flow to the vital organs. Immobility increases the risk of blood clots since the flow is restricted at vital supply points, increasing the risk of complications from the disorder. Exercise and a proper diet are essential to maintaining the overall health of vital systems.

Include more fish
Fish oil capsules or increasing the consumption of fish in your diet is a good strategy for DVT prevention. This particular supplement reduces the risk of developing this condition by almost 50% in many cases. This is why including fish in your diet is recommended by many professionals.

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